
Partnering with the Ontario Federation of 4WD Recreationists  (OF4WD), we work together to maintain the trails in Ardbeg. Throughout the 4WD season, our members embark on trail runs, ensuring they keep OF4WD informed about any issues that need attention. 

We invite you to join SOTEC in our mission to keep Ontario's trails clean. Your contributions, no matter the amount, are essential in helping us reach this goal. You can send e-transfers to and your generosity will be greatly appreciated! Your contribution is used for the following purposes:

1. Purchasing supplies for garbage cleanups, including gloves, trash pickers, hazmat suits and garbage bags.

2. Covering the costs of waste disposal at transfer stations when local municipal waste stations are unavailable or closed.

3. Buying sandbags and supplies to repair trail washouts.

4. Providing educational materials and supplies to educate the public about responsible trail usage.

5. Hiring/Renting heavy duty equipment when the task requires it.